Dr. Dave Gallagher is an adjunct professor, author, speaker, and Pastor Emeritus. He teaches for Moody Seminary and the University of Sioux Falls. Dave holds two master's degrees (Azusa Pacific University), a doctorate (Claremont School of Theology), and is a graduate of the Moody Bible Institute (Chicago). He has five decades of pastoral ministry experience. Dr. Gallagher is the author of four books: Havens of Hope, Aging Successfully, Healing Takes Time, and Senior Adult Ministry in the 21st Century and has contributed to eight books, written curriculum for four Christian publishers, and has had over fifty articles published. He leads conferences across the United States and Canada. He and his wife, Mary Ann reside in the Phoenix area. They have two adult children and two granddaughters. His hobbies are family, hiking, online teaching, preaching, reading, traveling, writing, and being with friends.
Click on the title to Order your copy:
Havens of Hope
“Make no mistake about it: We all need comfort and help—especially during difficult times in our lives. My good friend David Gallagher addresses this very real need. To do so, he has developed two biblical themes that cannot be separated. God is a God of hope and encouragement. But as members of the body of Christ, we are His instruments to provide this hope and encouragement to others. Yes, during difficult periods in our lives, God the Father continues to be with us and for us! Jesus continues to walk beside us as someone who identifies perfectly and completely with our humanness. And the Holy Spirit dwells within us to give us strength to endure. But in all situations, our Lord wants to use us to comfort others with the same comfort we have received. Enjoy this book! But more so, look for opportunities to encourage others! They are all around us.”
Dr. Gene A. Getz
Professor, Pastor, Author
“Hope is born where expectation and desire meet. And when they do the heart rejoices. But when expectations are not met and promises not fulfilled how deep is the disappointment. Dave Gallagher has spent a lifetime among people whose hopes have been fulfilled and those who have felt the sting of disappointment. To all of them he has a simple profound message - place your hope in the Lord, that is expect Him to fulfill His purposes in your life and desire to know
Him ever more deeply as the years roll by. He will not disappoint because your hope has not been misplaced. In his timely book Dave Gallagher tells us how to expect aright and how to desire the Lord’s best.”
Dr. Stuart Briscoe
Author, Speaker
Havens of Hope
“Make no mistake about it: We all need comfort and help—especially during difficult times in our lives. My good friend David Gallagher addresses this very real need. To do so, he has developed two biblical themes that cannot be separated. God is a God of hope and encouragement. But as members of the body of Christ, we are His instruments to provide this hope and encouragement to others. Yes, during difficult periods in our lives, God the Father continues to be with us and for us! Jesus continues to walk beside us as someone who identifies perfectly and completely with our humanness. And the Holy Spirit dwells within us to give us strength to endure. But in all situations, our Lord wants to use us to comfort others with the same comfort we have received. Enjoy this book! But more so, look for opportunities to encourage others! They are all around us.”
Dr. Gene A. Getz
Professor, Pastor, Author
“Hope is born where expectation and desire meet. And when they do the heart rejoices. But when expectations are not met and promises not fulfilled how deep is the disappointment. Dave Gallagher has spent a lifetime among people whose hopes have been fulfilled and those who have felt the sting of disappointment. To all of them he has a simple profound message - place your hope in the Lord, that is expect Him to fulfill His purposes in your life and desire to know
Him ever more deeply as the years roll by. He will not disappoint because your hope has not been misplaced. In his timely book Dave Gallagher tells us how to expect aright and how to desire the Lord’s best.”
Dr. Stuart Briscoe
Author, Speaker
Schedule a conferences on any of these themes (For full listing, click on "seminars" above . . . .

* Christian Leadership in the 21st Century
* Volunteerism – Building an Ephesians 4 Culture
* Building Healthy Teams
* Inter-Generational Ministry: Creating a Psalm 145:4-8 Culture
* Second Half Ministry – Reaching the 50+ Generations
* Shared Leadership and Passing the Mantle
* Integrating Newcomers Into the Church
* Barriers to Ministry: Anxiety, Stress, and Burnout
* Grief and Loss - Healing Takes Time
Pastor Emeritus at Palm West Community Church in Sun City West, AZ and Conference Leader, Coach and Consultant at Green Lake Conference Center in Green Lake, WI, Dave's recent books include:
Aging Successfully (Wipf and Stock Publishers, ©2012) available at Amazon or Barns & Noble
Healing Takes Time (Liturgical Press, ©2005) available at Amazon or Barns & Noble
Senior Adult Ministry in the 21st Century (Wipf and Stock Publishers ©2006; originally by Group Publishing, ©2002) available at Amazon or Barns & Noble
As well as leading seminars and conferences in local churches and conference centers, Dave has been a presenter for the following:
~ Metro 55+ Zoom Conference, churches of 2,000 and larger 55+ pastors and leaders
~ Group Publishing’s LifeServe Convention, Louisville, KY
~ National Outreach Convention, San Diego, CA
~ Moody Pastors’ Conference, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL (Past eight years)
~ Group Publishing’s Church Volunteer Central Live national seminars in Huston, TX; Atlanta, GA; Santa Maria, CA; Chicago, IL; Raleigh, NC; Las Vegas, NV; San Diego, CA and Madison, WI
~ Christian Association Serving Adults Conferences, Irvine, CA
~ Christian Ministry Training Association, Pasadena, CA
~ National Youth Workers Convention, San Diego, CA
~ Westside Interfaith Council, Santa Monica, CA, and
~ Johns Hopkins University Aging Conference
~ The Franciscan Retreat and Spirituality Center, Prior Lake, MN
~ Pulpit supply in many local churches around the United States
Palm West Community Church, where Dr. Gallagher is Pastor Emeritus, is a church specifically designed to reach people over age 50 and has grown from 23 to over 450. In the ten years he served as senior pastor, missions’ giving grew from 10% to 19%. When he began there was a balance of $365,000 owing to phase one of the master plan and a lien of $65,000. Within three years the church held a mortgage burning ceremony and the members and friends had the vision to raise over $2.5M toward a new worship center. On Thanksgiving Sunday, six years later, a groundbreaking ceremony was held for a $3.6M worship center and one year later on Palm Sunday the worship center was dedicated – debt free. On February 24, 2008, Dr. Gallagher was honored as Pastor Emeritus and presented the Distinguished Service Award by the Moody Bible Institute Alumni Association.
Additionally Dave designs and teaches undergraduate and graduate online courses for the University of Sioux Falls, Sioux Falls Seminary and Moody Distance Learning, Moody Bible Institute (Chicago). He and his wife, Mary Ann, reside in the Phoenix area. They have two adult children and two granddaughters.
* Volunteerism – Building an Ephesians 4 Culture
* Building Healthy Teams
* Inter-Generational Ministry: Creating a Psalm 145:4-8 Culture
* Second Half Ministry – Reaching the 50+ Generations
* Shared Leadership and Passing the Mantle
* Integrating Newcomers Into the Church
* Barriers to Ministry: Anxiety, Stress, and Burnout
* Grief and Loss - Healing Takes Time
Pastor Emeritus at Palm West Community Church in Sun City West, AZ and Conference Leader, Coach and Consultant at Green Lake Conference Center in Green Lake, WI, Dave's recent books include:
Aging Successfully (Wipf and Stock Publishers, ©2012) available at Amazon or Barns & Noble
Healing Takes Time (Liturgical Press, ©2005) available at Amazon or Barns & Noble
Senior Adult Ministry in the 21st Century (Wipf and Stock Publishers ©2006; originally by Group Publishing, ©2002) available at Amazon or Barns & Noble
As well as leading seminars and conferences in local churches and conference centers, Dave has been a presenter for the following:
~ Metro 55+ Zoom Conference, churches of 2,000 and larger 55+ pastors and leaders
~ Group Publishing’s LifeServe Convention, Louisville, KY
~ National Outreach Convention, San Diego, CA
~ Moody Pastors’ Conference, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL (Past eight years)
~ Group Publishing’s Church Volunteer Central Live national seminars in Huston, TX; Atlanta, GA; Santa Maria, CA; Chicago, IL; Raleigh, NC; Las Vegas, NV; San Diego, CA and Madison, WI
~ Christian Association Serving Adults Conferences, Irvine, CA
~ Christian Ministry Training Association, Pasadena, CA
~ National Youth Workers Convention, San Diego, CA
~ Westside Interfaith Council, Santa Monica, CA, and
~ Johns Hopkins University Aging Conference
~ The Franciscan Retreat and Spirituality Center, Prior Lake, MN
~ Pulpit supply in many local churches around the United States
Palm West Community Church, where Dr. Gallagher is Pastor Emeritus, is a church specifically designed to reach people over age 50 and has grown from 23 to over 450. In the ten years he served as senior pastor, missions’ giving grew from 10% to 19%. When he began there was a balance of $365,000 owing to phase one of the master plan and a lien of $65,000. Within three years the church held a mortgage burning ceremony and the members and friends had the vision to raise over $2.5M toward a new worship center. On Thanksgiving Sunday, six years later, a groundbreaking ceremony was held for a $3.6M worship center and one year later on Palm Sunday the worship center was dedicated – debt free. On February 24, 2008, Dr. Gallagher was honored as Pastor Emeritus and presented the Distinguished Service Award by the Moody Bible Institute Alumni Association.
Additionally Dave designs and teaches undergraduate and graduate online courses for the University of Sioux Falls, Sioux Falls Seminary and Moody Distance Learning, Moody Bible Institute (Chicago). He and his wife, Mary Ann, reside in the Phoenix area. They have two adult children and two granddaughters.