Upcoming Seminars

Conference Endorsements:
It was a pleasure working with Dave Gallagher in planning and executing our conference VIBRANT LIVING, VIBRANT FAITH co-sponsored by Fellowship Square Foundation and the National Lutheran Communities and Services held at Johns Hopkins University. Clergy, housing administrators, social workers and others who dedicate their lives to senior ministry benefitted from Dave's keen observations, warm-hearted stories and proven strategies for effective ministry in the 21st century.
The Rev. David G. Berg
College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy, Chaplain (Retired), Fellowship Square Foundation, Annapolis, MD
It was a privilege to have Dave Gallagher as the keynote speaker for our Second Half Ministry Conference. Dave spoke with passion, energy and expertise. He related well to those who attended through his personal concern for ministry leaders. His content was Biblical and relevant to those who came to be equipped in leading 50+ ministries in their churches. I highly recommend Dave as a speaker.
Godfrey Thorogood,
FEB Central Leadership Development Director, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
I would like to take this opportunity to let you know how much we enjoyed having Dave at the Ozarks Conference for Senior Adult Ministers in the fall of 2013. Dave was right on target with our theme of “We are Called.” He talked about equipping, evangelizing, evaluating and just generally how to be effective leaders. He was very practical, and the tools he gave us were very useful. Many conferences I attend are filled with theory, but Dave’s teaching showed us how to “get our hands dirty.” I also loved the way Dave interacted with the men attending the conference. We never felt like we were being talked “down” to. He made our conference successful. I am so grateful Dave was able to lead us, and I’ll look forward to having him return in the future.
Rev. Max Pyron
Minister to Sr. Adults and Pastoral Care, Geyer Springs, First Baptist Church, Little Rock, Arkansas
Facilitator: Ozarks Conference for Sr. Adult Ministers
I warmly recommend Dr. Dave Gallagher’s books and his preaching, he has a great deal of Godly wisdom, and terrific skill as a communicator both in print and in the pulpit. Like Dr. Gallagher I am currently ministering in a senior church in Sun City and have found fresh insight and tremendous help from both his books and his preaching, he is surely the best writer in print today on the much-neglected subjects of aging and senior ministry. I recently had Dr. Dave preach in my church, and the question on the lips of the members of my congregation is, “When is Dr. Gallagher going to preach here again”.
Dr. Brian Anderson
Senior Pastor of The Congregational Church of Sun City, Arizona
Dear Pastor Gallagher,
Recently I heard you speak when you were the guest speaker at Grace Bible Church in Sun City, Arizona. You spoke on grief, and you spoke right to my heart. The anniversary of my husband’s death was the day after I heard your message. You were another “God-wink” in my life. Your message was so helpful to me; God is good. I emailed a friend the key points of your sermon and she immediately ordered your Healing Takes Time book. When we returned from Arizona, I shared the information with my grief group. We also held a retreat and were able to give all of the retreat attendees your Healing Takes Time book. We’d like you to be the keynote speaker at our next retreat.
Thank you so much.
Carolyn Swan
Endorsement of Dr. Gallagher's Books:
Havens of Hope
Make no mistake about it: We all need comfort and help—especially during difficult times in our lives. My good friend David Gallagher addresses this very real need. To do so, he has developed two biblical themes that cannot be separated. God is a God of hope and encouragement. But as members of the body of Christ, we are His instruments to provide this hope and encouragement to others. Yes, during difficult periods in our lives, God the Father continues to be with us and for us! Jesus continues to walk beside us as someone who identifies perfectly and completely with our humanness. And the Holy Spirit dwells within us to give us strength to endure. But in all situations, our Lord wants to use us to comfort others with the same comfort we have received. Enjoy this book! But more so, look for opportunities to encourage others! They are all around us.
Dr. Gene A. Getz
Professor, Pastor, Author
Hope is born where expectation and desire meet. And when they do the heart rejoices. But when expectations are not met and promises not fulfilled how deep is the disappointment. Dave Gallagher has spent a lifetime among people whose hopes have been fulfilled and those who have felt the sting of disappointment. To all of them he has a simple profound message - place your hope in the Lord, that is expect Him to fulfill His purposes in your life and desire to know Him ever more deeply as the years roll by. He will not disappoint because your hope has not been misplaced. In his timely book Dave Gallagher tells us how to expect aright and how to desire the Lord’s best.
Dr. Stuart Briscoe
Author, Speaker
Martin Luther observed, ‘Everything that is done in this world is done by hope.’ In this book, David Gallagher uncovers the shape of hope as described in the Scriptures. In the process, he shows that hope is like a light, it shines brightest in dark places. Read this book and strengthen your hope.
Dr. John Koessler
Professor of Applied Theology and Church Ministry at Moody Bible Institute
God’s love for all who turn to him is displayed on every page of David Gallagher’s guide to the divine offer of hope. This loving pastor speaks from his decades of experience in bringing uplift to those who are hurting.
Dr. John L. Hiigel
Professor of Biblical Studies, University of Sioux Falls
The Apostle Paul tells us in his letter to the Romans that given all that God has revealed to us through creation, anyone not believing in Him is without excuse. After reading Dr. Gallagher’s book, I could say the same thing about anyone claiming to be without hope. Laced with examples of personal experiences, Dave walks us through Scripture and identifies where hope can be found in God’s care, faithfulness, healing, comfort, promises, protection, joy, love, and yes, even tragedy. One can turn to any chapter that might immediately “scratch where it itches” or read it from cover to cover and receive a true blessing.
Rev. Bruce D. Finfrock
Associate Pastor of Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church in Englewood, Colorado
With all the ups and downs in everyday life, who couldn’t use a healthy shot of hope? Dave’s easy-to-read book does just that. I’ve known Dave since 1981, when we both served churches around Ventura, California. He’s been in the trenches. He knows what he’s talking about. You will find his book inspiring, simple to read, down to earth, full of heartwarming stories, and, most of all, intricately tethered to the Word of God.
Dr. Alex F. Chisholm
Author, Pastor
Havens of Hope is a book that points the reader to God’s comfort and love. I especially enjoyed the chapter on God’s faithfulness discussing Psalm 73. The practical applications were a highlight of the book. Havens of Hope is a book filled with words of encouragement.
Rev. Max Pyron
Geyer Springs FBC, Little Rock, Arkansas
Havens of Hope sensitively addresses an issue that is central to the Christian life, and to all life: the issue of hope. We can’t live without it for very long, and with it, life is an adventure of joy in the midst of adversity. This biblically based look at life gives compassionate and practical steps to help ‘hope’ spring anew when clouds have covered our skies. What makes this message even more inspiring is knowing the author, who writes it from personal experience.
Rev. Gary Zacharias
Pastor of Terrace Shores Church in Markesan, Wisconsin
Dr. Dave Gallagher has written a helpful book for those undergoing difficulty and for those wishing to help them. The compilation of Scriptures both throughout the book and in a compilation at the end is helpful enough—these are Scriptures that will be balm for the soul. But Dave’s wise and loving exposition of these truths point us to our Savior and truly will strengthen our faith. His book is about hope. Dave brings hope through God’s Word and through his pastoral care for people on a journey through despair and difficulty. I encourage you to read this book and find hope!
Rev. Brian S. Wechsler
Executive Director, Village Missions
Aging Successfully
As American society ages, more of God's children will be grappling - many unsuccessfully - with its challenges. In Aging Successfully, David Gallagher provides a wealth of practical information that can help steer believers clear of the pitfalls of age and onto a path that breeds contentment, meaning, and joy. Furthermore, Gallagher repeatedly points us back to the principles of Scripture that profoundly inform the latter years of life. I plan to keep this book handy on a shelf and recommend it often.
Dr. J. Paul Nyquist
Professor, Author
Aging Successfully does an outstanding job of helping the reader prepare for the transitions that occur in the second half of life while recognizing that opportunities abound for those who remain grounded in Scripture and balanced in their approach. Readers will find Dr. Gallagher's book to be a valuable resource as they enter a stage of life full of opportunities and adventures.
Dr. James L. Knapp
Professor of Sociology, Southeastern Oklahoma State University
In this book, my good friend Dave Gallagher creates a contemporary framework for instructing readers in the realities of aging. Writing largely from the perspective of his personal experience, Dave offers guiding principles and numerous actionable solutions that can provide readers a clearer path to the golden years and beyond. I recommend it!
Dr. Gene A. Getz
Professor, Pastor, and Author
Can you believe it? The baby boomers are growing old - fast. Members of the generation that once declared they wouldn't trust anyone over thirty are now turning sixty years old at the rate of one person every seven seconds. Aging Successfully is a book for this time and this aging generation. David Gallagher provides a wealth of helpful information, loads of encouragement, and practical insights for aging successfully. It is the book to read and use. I highly recommend it.
Dr. Gary L. McIntosh
Professor of Christian Ministry & Leadership, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University
While most Americans are dreading getting older and are literally scared of death, Dave Gallagher takes a counter-intuitive view and reveals the essentials of happily embracing the second half of life. While there are challenges after fifty, this book reveals some essential truths that add substance and perspective to growing older. If you want to finish life with purpose and hope, and not with a groan, as Psalm 90:9 expresses, join me in reading Aging Successfully!
Dr. Tom Shaw
Vice President of Student Services, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago
Healing Takes
Written by a pastor with years of experience in helping people work through the grieving process, this book can guide and encourage suffers to see their losses from God's perspective. Each of the sixty brief, to-the-point meditations includes an illustration from Gallagher's life, relevant Scripture passages for reflection, questions for personal response, action steps to take, and a brief prayer to voice. This warmhearted, uplifting book offers God's comfort to anyone facing emotional sorrow, physical pain, or spiritual heartache.
Dr. Roy B. Zuck
Senior Professor Emeritus of Bible Exposition, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas
Like many of us, David Gallagher knows the pain of loss, both his and others. But David also knows the power of God to heal us in the midst of this pain. This wise, seasoned pastor provides no sweet words, no empty promises, but rather the caring hand that points the way forward to the love of God.
Dr. Joel B. Green, Joel B. Green
Professor of New Testament Interpretation, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California
Transitions are hard. In fact, they can be devastating! But why do people who experience the same loss end up at different places? While some stop living and simply exist for the rest of their years . . . others rebound and even excel beyond their previous limits. This book can make a difference in one outcome or the other for many people who experience such transitions.
Dr. Charles Arn
President, Church Growth, Inc. Monrovia, California
In his book, Healing Takes Time, Dr. David Gallagher gently takes the reader's hand and together they walk the tough journey towards spiritual wellness through Scripture promises and quiet reflections. His support and guidance smooth the rough spots as his gentle voice quiets the restless and provides hope for those who need understanding. Above all, his faith in God's love and compassion for each of us brightly lights the way.
Molly Wright
Director, Religious Education, St. Thomas More Newman Center, Columbia, Missouri
I wanted to share with you my wonderful experience in finding and reading your latest book, 'Aging Successfully.' Your book is in our church library and between services I was browsing and found a copy on the table. The cover and title caught my eye. I had already read your book, 'Senior Adult Ministry in the 21st Century,' and also enjoyed that very much. But I could really identify with 'Aging Successfully.' I especially related to the information on aging (now being 81) and to your excellent advice and scripture references. I was especially blessed by chapter six on Understand Loss and Grief. I know we suffer from losses during our lifetime but the loss of your mate(s) has got to be the hardest. I certainly am acquainted with loss of a loved one having lost my first husband in 2007 and then my second husband in 2012; loss of a mate changes your entire life. 'Aging Successfully' has been so comforting to me and helped me to understand that it is okay to grieve and that grief is actually your friend. Your book also helped me know how to help others who are grieving. Your book has been such a blessing! Thank you for writing it and I pray it will bless all who read it.
Rose Danner
Sun City West, Arizona
Partial List of Speaking Engagements:
Congregational Church, Sun City AZ preaching at 8:30 am & 10:30 am worship
Palm West Community Church, Sun City West, AZ 8:30 am worship
Conference on Aging, Heritage College & Seminary, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
Ozarks Conference for Ministers to Older Adults (Southern Baptist Church leaders in Arkansas, Missouri, Texas and Oklahoma)
Moody Pastors' Conference, Chicago, IL
Johns Hopkins University, "Vibrant Living Vibrant Faith - Inspiring a New Culture of Senior Ministry"
Group Publishing "LifeServe" Convention, Louisville, KY
Moody Pastors' Conference, Chicago, IL
Moody Bible Institute's Founder's Week, Chicago, IL
National Outreach Convention, San Diego, CA
National Outreach Convention, San Diego, CA
Christian Association Serving Adults (CASA), Annual Leadership Conference, Irvine, CA
Group Publishing's "Church Volunteer Central Live" National seminars in Huston, TX; Atlanta, GA; Santa Maria, CA; Chicago, IL; Raleigh, NC; Las Vegas, NV; San Diego, CA and Madison, WI
Christian Association Serving Adults (CASA), Annual Leadership Conference, Irvine, CA
Christian Ministries Training Association (GLASS Convention), Pasadena, CA
Hope United Grief Group, "Healing Takes Time" Conference at the Franciscan Retreat and Spirituality Center, Prior Lake, MN
Coaching and Consulting: Dr. Gallagher is available for consultation. He teaches and coaches Christian leaders in the Master of Arts in Christian Leadership degree (Moody Distance Learning), has coached Pastors at the Green Lake Conference Center, Center for Excellence in Congregational Leadership (CECL) and was preaching consultant for CECL Pastors at Green Lake.
It was a pleasure working with Dave Gallagher in planning and executing our conference VIBRANT LIVING, VIBRANT FAITH co-sponsored by Fellowship Square Foundation and the National Lutheran Communities and Services held at Johns Hopkins University. Clergy, housing administrators, social workers and others who dedicate their lives to senior ministry benefitted from Dave's keen observations, warm-hearted stories and proven strategies for effective ministry in the 21st century.
The Rev. David G. Berg
College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy, Chaplain (Retired), Fellowship Square Foundation, Annapolis, MD
It was a privilege to have Dave Gallagher as the keynote speaker for our Second Half Ministry Conference. Dave spoke with passion, energy and expertise. He related well to those who attended through his personal concern for ministry leaders. His content was Biblical and relevant to those who came to be equipped in leading 50+ ministries in their churches. I highly recommend Dave as a speaker.
Godfrey Thorogood,
FEB Central Leadership Development Director, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
I would like to take this opportunity to let you know how much we enjoyed having Dave at the Ozarks Conference for Senior Adult Ministers in the fall of 2013. Dave was right on target with our theme of “We are Called.” He talked about equipping, evangelizing, evaluating and just generally how to be effective leaders. He was very practical, and the tools he gave us were very useful. Many conferences I attend are filled with theory, but Dave’s teaching showed us how to “get our hands dirty.” I also loved the way Dave interacted with the men attending the conference. We never felt like we were being talked “down” to. He made our conference successful. I am so grateful Dave was able to lead us, and I’ll look forward to having him return in the future.
Rev. Max Pyron
Minister to Sr. Adults and Pastoral Care, Geyer Springs, First Baptist Church, Little Rock, Arkansas
Facilitator: Ozarks Conference for Sr. Adult Ministers
I warmly recommend Dr. Dave Gallagher’s books and his preaching, he has a great deal of Godly wisdom, and terrific skill as a communicator both in print and in the pulpit. Like Dr. Gallagher I am currently ministering in a senior church in Sun City and have found fresh insight and tremendous help from both his books and his preaching, he is surely the best writer in print today on the much-neglected subjects of aging and senior ministry. I recently had Dr. Dave preach in my church, and the question on the lips of the members of my congregation is, “When is Dr. Gallagher going to preach here again”.
Dr. Brian Anderson
Senior Pastor of The Congregational Church of Sun City, Arizona
Dear Pastor Gallagher,
Recently I heard you speak when you were the guest speaker at Grace Bible Church in Sun City, Arizona. You spoke on grief, and you spoke right to my heart. The anniversary of my husband’s death was the day after I heard your message. You were another “God-wink” in my life. Your message was so helpful to me; God is good. I emailed a friend the key points of your sermon and she immediately ordered your Healing Takes Time book. When we returned from Arizona, I shared the information with my grief group. We also held a retreat and were able to give all of the retreat attendees your Healing Takes Time book. We’d like you to be the keynote speaker at our next retreat.
Thank you so much.
Carolyn Swan
Endorsement of Dr. Gallagher's Books:
Havens of Hope
Make no mistake about it: We all need comfort and help—especially during difficult times in our lives. My good friend David Gallagher addresses this very real need. To do so, he has developed two biblical themes that cannot be separated. God is a God of hope and encouragement. But as members of the body of Christ, we are His instruments to provide this hope and encouragement to others. Yes, during difficult periods in our lives, God the Father continues to be with us and for us! Jesus continues to walk beside us as someone who identifies perfectly and completely with our humanness. And the Holy Spirit dwells within us to give us strength to endure. But in all situations, our Lord wants to use us to comfort others with the same comfort we have received. Enjoy this book! But more so, look for opportunities to encourage others! They are all around us.
Dr. Gene A. Getz
Professor, Pastor, Author
Hope is born where expectation and desire meet. And when they do the heart rejoices. But when expectations are not met and promises not fulfilled how deep is the disappointment. Dave Gallagher has spent a lifetime among people whose hopes have been fulfilled and those who have felt the sting of disappointment. To all of them he has a simple profound message - place your hope in the Lord, that is expect Him to fulfill His purposes in your life and desire to know Him ever more deeply as the years roll by. He will not disappoint because your hope has not been misplaced. In his timely book Dave Gallagher tells us how to expect aright and how to desire the Lord’s best.
Dr. Stuart Briscoe
Author, Speaker
Martin Luther observed, ‘Everything that is done in this world is done by hope.’ In this book, David Gallagher uncovers the shape of hope as described in the Scriptures. In the process, he shows that hope is like a light, it shines brightest in dark places. Read this book and strengthen your hope.
Dr. John Koessler
Professor of Applied Theology and Church Ministry at Moody Bible Institute
God’s love for all who turn to him is displayed on every page of David Gallagher’s guide to the divine offer of hope. This loving pastor speaks from his decades of experience in bringing uplift to those who are hurting.
Dr. John L. Hiigel
Professor of Biblical Studies, University of Sioux Falls
The Apostle Paul tells us in his letter to the Romans that given all that God has revealed to us through creation, anyone not believing in Him is without excuse. After reading Dr. Gallagher’s book, I could say the same thing about anyone claiming to be without hope. Laced with examples of personal experiences, Dave walks us through Scripture and identifies where hope can be found in God’s care, faithfulness, healing, comfort, promises, protection, joy, love, and yes, even tragedy. One can turn to any chapter that might immediately “scratch where it itches” or read it from cover to cover and receive a true blessing.
Rev. Bruce D. Finfrock
Associate Pastor of Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church in Englewood, Colorado
With all the ups and downs in everyday life, who couldn’t use a healthy shot of hope? Dave’s easy-to-read book does just that. I’ve known Dave since 1981, when we both served churches around Ventura, California. He’s been in the trenches. He knows what he’s talking about. You will find his book inspiring, simple to read, down to earth, full of heartwarming stories, and, most of all, intricately tethered to the Word of God.
Dr. Alex F. Chisholm
Author, Pastor
Havens of Hope is a book that points the reader to God’s comfort and love. I especially enjoyed the chapter on God’s faithfulness discussing Psalm 73. The practical applications were a highlight of the book. Havens of Hope is a book filled with words of encouragement.
Rev. Max Pyron
Geyer Springs FBC, Little Rock, Arkansas
Havens of Hope sensitively addresses an issue that is central to the Christian life, and to all life: the issue of hope. We can’t live without it for very long, and with it, life is an adventure of joy in the midst of adversity. This biblically based look at life gives compassionate and practical steps to help ‘hope’ spring anew when clouds have covered our skies. What makes this message even more inspiring is knowing the author, who writes it from personal experience.
Rev. Gary Zacharias
Pastor of Terrace Shores Church in Markesan, Wisconsin
Dr. Dave Gallagher has written a helpful book for those undergoing difficulty and for those wishing to help them. The compilation of Scriptures both throughout the book and in a compilation at the end is helpful enough—these are Scriptures that will be balm for the soul. But Dave’s wise and loving exposition of these truths point us to our Savior and truly will strengthen our faith. His book is about hope. Dave brings hope through God’s Word and through his pastoral care for people on a journey through despair and difficulty. I encourage you to read this book and find hope!
Rev. Brian S. Wechsler
Executive Director, Village Missions
Aging Successfully
As American society ages, more of God's children will be grappling - many unsuccessfully - with its challenges. In Aging Successfully, David Gallagher provides a wealth of practical information that can help steer believers clear of the pitfalls of age and onto a path that breeds contentment, meaning, and joy. Furthermore, Gallagher repeatedly points us back to the principles of Scripture that profoundly inform the latter years of life. I plan to keep this book handy on a shelf and recommend it often.
Dr. J. Paul Nyquist
Professor, Author
Aging Successfully does an outstanding job of helping the reader prepare for the transitions that occur in the second half of life while recognizing that opportunities abound for those who remain grounded in Scripture and balanced in their approach. Readers will find Dr. Gallagher's book to be a valuable resource as they enter a stage of life full of opportunities and adventures.
Dr. James L. Knapp
Professor of Sociology, Southeastern Oklahoma State University
In this book, my good friend Dave Gallagher creates a contemporary framework for instructing readers in the realities of aging. Writing largely from the perspective of his personal experience, Dave offers guiding principles and numerous actionable solutions that can provide readers a clearer path to the golden years and beyond. I recommend it!
Dr. Gene A. Getz
Professor, Pastor, and Author
Can you believe it? The baby boomers are growing old - fast. Members of the generation that once declared they wouldn't trust anyone over thirty are now turning sixty years old at the rate of one person every seven seconds. Aging Successfully is a book for this time and this aging generation. David Gallagher provides a wealth of helpful information, loads of encouragement, and practical insights for aging successfully. It is the book to read and use. I highly recommend it.
Dr. Gary L. McIntosh
Professor of Christian Ministry & Leadership, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University
While most Americans are dreading getting older and are literally scared of death, Dave Gallagher takes a counter-intuitive view and reveals the essentials of happily embracing the second half of life. While there are challenges after fifty, this book reveals some essential truths that add substance and perspective to growing older. If you want to finish life with purpose and hope, and not with a groan, as Psalm 90:9 expresses, join me in reading Aging Successfully!
Dr. Tom Shaw
Vice President of Student Services, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago
Healing Takes
Written by a pastor with years of experience in helping people work through the grieving process, this book can guide and encourage suffers to see their losses from God's perspective. Each of the sixty brief, to-the-point meditations includes an illustration from Gallagher's life, relevant Scripture passages for reflection, questions for personal response, action steps to take, and a brief prayer to voice. This warmhearted, uplifting book offers God's comfort to anyone facing emotional sorrow, physical pain, or spiritual heartache.
Dr. Roy B. Zuck
Senior Professor Emeritus of Bible Exposition, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas
Like many of us, David Gallagher knows the pain of loss, both his and others. But David also knows the power of God to heal us in the midst of this pain. This wise, seasoned pastor provides no sweet words, no empty promises, but rather the caring hand that points the way forward to the love of God.
Dr. Joel B. Green, Joel B. Green
Professor of New Testament Interpretation, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California
Transitions are hard. In fact, they can be devastating! But why do people who experience the same loss end up at different places? While some stop living and simply exist for the rest of their years . . . others rebound and even excel beyond their previous limits. This book can make a difference in one outcome or the other for many people who experience such transitions.
Dr. Charles Arn
President, Church Growth, Inc. Monrovia, California
In his book, Healing Takes Time, Dr. David Gallagher gently takes the reader's hand and together they walk the tough journey towards spiritual wellness through Scripture promises and quiet reflections. His support and guidance smooth the rough spots as his gentle voice quiets the restless and provides hope for those who need understanding. Above all, his faith in God's love and compassion for each of us brightly lights the way.
Molly Wright
Director, Religious Education, St. Thomas More Newman Center, Columbia, Missouri
I wanted to share with you my wonderful experience in finding and reading your latest book, 'Aging Successfully.' Your book is in our church library and between services I was browsing and found a copy on the table. The cover and title caught my eye. I had already read your book, 'Senior Adult Ministry in the 21st Century,' and also enjoyed that very much. But I could really identify with 'Aging Successfully.' I especially related to the information on aging (now being 81) and to your excellent advice and scripture references. I was especially blessed by chapter six on Understand Loss and Grief. I know we suffer from losses during our lifetime but the loss of your mate(s) has got to be the hardest. I certainly am acquainted with loss of a loved one having lost my first husband in 2007 and then my second husband in 2012; loss of a mate changes your entire life. 'Aging Successfully' has been so comforting to me and helped me to understand that it is okay to grieve and that grief is actually your friend. Your book also helped me know how to help others who are grieving. Your book has been such a blessing! Thank you for writing it and I pray it will bless all who read it.
Rose Danner
Sun City West, Arizona
Partial List of Speaking Engagements:
Congregational Church, Sun City AZ preaching at 8:30 am & 10:30 am worship
Palm West Community Church, Sun City West, AZ 8:30 am worship
Conference on Aging, Heritage College & Seminary, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
Ozarks Conference for Ministers to Older Adults (Southern Baptist Church leaders in Arkansas, Missouri, Texas and Oklahoma)
Moody Pastors' Conference, Chicago, IL
Johns Hopkins University, "Vibrant Living Vibrant Faith - Inspiring a New Culture of Senior Ministry"
Group Publishing "LifeServe" Convention, Louisville, KY
Moody Pastors' Conference, Chicago, IL
Moody Bible Institute's Founder's Week, Chicago, IL
National Outreach Convention, San Diego, CA
National Outreach Convention, San Diego, CA
Christian Association Serving Adults (CASA), Annual Leadership Conference, Irvine, CA
Group Publishing's "Church Volunteer Central Live" National seminars in Huston, TX; Atlanta, GA; Santa Maria, CA; Chicago, IL; Raleigh, NC; Las Vegas, NV; San Diego, CA and Madison, WI
Christian Association Serving Adults (CASA), Annual Leadership Conference, Irvine, CA
Christian Ministries Training Association (GLASS Convention), Pasadena, CA
Hope United Grief Group, "Healing Takes Time" Conference at the Franciscan Retreat and Spirituality Center, Prior Lake, MN
Coaching and Consulting: Dr. Gallagher is available for consultation. He teaches and coaches Christian leaders in the Master of Arts in Christian Leadership degree (Moody Distance Learning), has coached Pastors at the Green Lake Conference Center, Center for Excellence in Congregational Leadership (CECL) and was preaching consultant for CECL Pastors at Green Lake.