Partial List of Seminars
Healing Takes Time
Help people learn how to gain victory and strength through the grieving process. It is important to learn that the best way to help hurting people is to gently walk the journey together toward spiritual wellness and healing. Dr. Gallagher states that grief comes in only one size, extra-large. He has learned that the two important events in grief are when the pain starts and when you decide to do something about it.
When Optimism and Denial Collide
Aims of this session are: 1) To help participants understand what aging means, 2) To identify the major concerns of middle and older adults and 3) to look at four key concepts in the book of Ecclesiastes as a source of insight into the nature and dynamics of aging. The session explores cultural attitudes toward aging, who is old as well as denial and aging. The session offers 12 practical steps to help overcome denial of aging, six practical ways to overcome the SID (Seniors in Denial) syndrome and five strategies to help seniors in denial.
12 Ministry Benchmarks
This session is designed to help leaders evaluate their current ministry and make improvements. For each of the 12 "benchmarks," participants list ways they feel they are "hitting a home run" and ways they might improve along with action plan steps and dates to accomplish their goals. The session may be designed specifically for evaluating 50+ Second Half Ministry or other ministries.
Inter-generational Ministry
Understanding the differences between cross generational, multi-generational and inter-generational ministry is crucial. This session will help you create intentional generation interactions by creating a Psalm 145:4 Culture. From this participants gain an understanding of age differences and learn to be sensitive to those differences. Our culture is tearing families apart. We are called to bring them together.
Passing the Leadership Mantle
Passing the Leadership Mantle will begin with showing that a solid adult ministry takes time and the title of “leader” or “Pastor” must be earned. From this basic premise participants will gain an understanding of the importance of new people, the first year and how guests relate to long time members. Understand the importance of lifetime mentoring of servant leaders; Passing the “Mantle” not the “Baton” and learning how and when to create change is considered next along with the steps of problem solving and knowing how and when to deal with conflict in a constructive and healthy manner.
Building Healthy Teams
Gain insights into the four principles of healthy teams and the importance of informal appreciation. Learn how to become a facilitative leader who leads with teams and grows people.
Barriers to Ministry: Anxiety, Stress and Burnout
Learn about some common warning signs, be alerted to ways to help relieve anxiety and understand strategies to help in this process. We look at Psalm 73 and note seven practical suggestions for claiming God's promises. In addition, gain strength through a “Are You Burned Out” quiz and self-evaluation survey and learn about a coping inventory and daily stress diary.
12 Steps to Building a Second Half Ministry
Learn how to reach people over age 50 by using these 12 practical steps. Examine five strategies to strengthen an existing second half ministry.
Aging Successfully
The ten steps given in this session are from Dave's book "Aging Successfully" to help people understand how to enjoy, not just endure, the second half of life. Topics include perspective, balance, the empty nest, and grandchildren, keeping marriage alive, facing grief and much more.
Assimilating Boomers and Builders into the Church
What is “assimilation” anyway? And is it really so important for church leaders to know about it? This session presents basic – but often overlooked – assumptions about how people, particularly Boomers and Builders do (or don’t) move from “outsiders” to “insiders” in a church and in a 50+ ministry.
Missions Ministry Opportunities – Breaking the Barriers
Examine seven myths that prevent people from serving in short term mission opportunities and learn how to overcome these myths. Gain a wealth of ideas and resources to share with your people and help them find meaningful service.
Catching the Age Wave of the 21st Century
Learn new vocabulary for a healthy Second Half Ministry. You must change the vocabulary to change the culture. We will look at ageism, stereotypes, myths and traps churches often fall into that leave the 50+ generation feeling unneeded and often unwanted. Participants see traits of growing Second Half Ministries and put together a plan for change.
Characteristics of an Assimilated Boomer or Builder
What is an ideal, “assimilated” member? What does he do? What does she say? How do they feel? Ten characteristics are suggested before participants connect the qualities they would like to see in their own membership.
Energizing the 50+ Crowd for Serving
The over 50 crowd is the fastest growing segment of any church or organization. Discover some simple, practical ways of energizing adults that will maximize your ministry. In this session you'll receive ten thought provoking questions that will give insight to help energize your seniors for serving. We'll examine how to promote serving as a "get to" not a "have to." Change comes as you respond to these questions and acknowledge your 50+ crowd are gifted and called by God to do the work of ministry both inside and outside the walls of the church.
Finding and Training Volunteers
Too many churches seem to grab someone in the hallway and push them into a class or group that needs help. Ministry should be a joyful act of service to God, but that approach steals the joy. Discover three key characteristics of exceptional congregations and organizations and five focus areas of healthy churches and organizations.
Grandparenting and Intergenerational Experiences
Respond to four questions that encourage passing on spiritual heritage to grandchildren and five suggestions for communicating to grandkids.
Help for Hurting Hearts
Examine the importance of attitude and staying focused on what is ultimately and eternally important – our relationship with God and our relationship with our family and friends.
Hot Topics in Second Half Ministry
Examine and discuss our rapidly changing society and its challenges, including elder abuse, end of life issues, death and dying, euthanasia, elder fraud, marriage, remarriage and ageism.
Involving the 50+ Generations in Ministry
It's a myth that older adults no longer want to contribute. It's equally untrue that they don't want to be actively involved. There are numerous creative ways to involve adults in the church. In this session participants will learn seven musts for involving adults. Additionally, 50 practical ways to involve the 50+ generations in ministry will be shared as well as some practical ways to deal with criticism when ministering with and to people over age 50.
Issues in Second Half Ministry
This session will consider the four key issues for a healthy local church adult ministry and present the top ten personal issues for older adults.
Leadership Principles for Second Half Ministry
Learn 30 leadership principles that will strengthen your leadership team.
Overcoming Criticism and Negativism
Experiencing criticism just seems to be a fact of life. Perhaps one of the reasons criticism and negativism are so prevalent today is that we live in a sort of “in your face” society. That seems especially true as we work with volunteers. Knowing how to respond to criticism and negativism is a powerful tool for effective ministry.
Prerequisites That Will Make or Break an Effective Adult Ministry
This session will present 12 prerequisites that will make or break an adults 55+ ministry. These steps will focus on challenges that leaders face including volunteerism, communication, conflicts, comparisons, setting limits, keeping perspective, and compassion fatigue.
Reaching the 50+ Generations – Outreach to Boomers and Builders
The age wave has come and the tsunami of 77 million people over age 50 has changed our society forever. In this session, you’ll discover strategic steps to develop or improve an outwardly focused second-half ministry.
Reaching the 50+ Generations
Explore trends for the 50+ group and help your leadership team understand these trends and respond to people in our fast-paced society. Participants see contrasts between the boomer and Builder generation.
Six Questions Newcomers ask During the First Year
Over 80% of those who drop out of church do so in the first year of their involvement. This session looks at six critical questions that newcomers are subconsciously asking about their new church . . . and how to help them answer those questions so that they stay.
Small Groups: A Key to Assimilation
Many of the strategies of assimilating newcomers are best implemented in a small group. But not all groups are the same, nor should they be. Participants look at the topic of small groups through the lenses of effective assimilation strategy. Many new insights will be discovered.
Steps to Effective Assimilation
This session presents practical “ratios” for effective assimilation, and specific, action steps to take home and implement.
Twelve Steps to Building a Second Half Ministry
Learn how to reach people over age 50 by using these 12 practical steps. Examine five strategies to strengthen an existing second half ministry.
Visitors: The Key to Growth
Why do some visitors come back, while others do not? What . . . how . . . when is that critical first impression made? In this session participants learn the six things visitors are looking for, and five guidelines for increasing visitor return rates.
Volunteerism – From Sitting to Serving
In this session participants learn how to create an Ephesians 4 Culture. They learn to view people as gifts from God and how to help people discover their passion, spiritual gifts and personal style. Simple clear steps are presented on how to find servant leaders and provide service through Ministry Teams.
Additional Topics in the "Help for Hurting Hearts" Series:
"Dealing with Depression"
"Rejoicing and Mourning"
"Sharing, the Art of Listening and Setting Boundaries"
"A Safe Place - Limits and Confidentiality"
"Servanthood Versus Servitude"
"Speaking the Truth in Love - Assertiveness"
"Telecare, SCYPE and WebEx and Technology"
"Helping Suicidal Persons Get the Help They Need"
"Ministry to the Dying and Their Family and Friends"
"Caring for the Hospitalized"
"Helping Aging People Experiencing Losses"
"Ministering to Those Needing Long-Term Care"
"Crises of Pregnancy"
"Ministering to Those Experiencing Divorce"
Help people learn how to gain victory and strength through the grieving process. It is important to learn that the best way to help hurting people is to gently walk the journey together toward spiritual wellness and healing. Dr. Gallagher states that grief comes in only one size, extra-large. He has learned that the two important events in grief are when the pain starts and when you decide to do something about it.
When Optimism and Denial Collide
Aims of this session are: 1) To help participants understand what aging means, 2) To identify the major concerns of middle and older adults and 3) to look at four key concepts in the book of Ecclesiastes as a source of insight into the nature and dynamics of aging. The session explores cultural attitudes toward aging, who is old as well as denial and aging. The session offers 12 practical steps to help overcome denial of aging, six practical ways to overcome the SID (Seniors in Denial) syndrome and five strategies to help seniors in denial.
12 Ministry Benchmarks
This session is designed to help leaders evaluate their current ministry and make improvements. For each of the 12 "benchmarks," participants list ways they feel they are "hitting a home run" and ways they might improve along with action plan steps and dates to accomplish their goals. The session may be designed specifically for evaluating 50+ Second Half Ministry or other ministries.
Inter-generational Ministry
Understanding the differences between cross generational, multi-generational and inter-generational ministry is crucial. This session will help you create intentional generation interactions by creating a Psalm 145:4 Culture. From this participants gain an understanding of age differences and learn to be sensitive to those differences. Our culture is tearing families apart. We are called to bring them together.
Passing the Leadership Mantle
Passing the Leadership Mantle will begin with showing that a solid adult ministry takes time and the title of “leader” or “Pastor” must be earned. From this basic premise participants will gain an understanding of the importance of new people, the first year and how guests relate to long time members. Understand the importance of lifetime mentoring of servant leaders; Passing the “Mantle” not the “Baton” and learning how and when to create change is considered next along with the steps of problem solving and knowing how and when to deal with conflict in a constructive and healthy manner.
Building Healthy Teams
Gain insights into the four principles of healthy teams and the importance of informal appreciation. Learn how to become a facilitative leader who leads with teams and grows people.
Barriers to Ministry: Anxiety, Stress and Burnout
Learn about some common warning signs, be alerted to ways to help relieve anxiety and understand strategies to help in this process. We look at Psalm 73 and note seven practical suggestions for claiming God's promises. In addition, gain strength through a “Are You Burned Out” quiz and self-evaluation survey and learn about a coping inventory and daily stress diary.
12 Steps to Building a Second Half Ministry
Learn how to reach people over age 50 by using these 12 practical steps. Examine five strategies to strengthen an existing second half ministry.
Aging Successfully
The ten steps given in this session are from Dave's book "Aging Successfully" to help people understand how to enjoy, not just endure, the second half of life. Topics include perspective, balance, the empty nest, and grandchildren, keeping marriage alive, facing grief and much more.
Assimilating Boomers and Builders into the Church
What is “assimilation” anyway? And is it really so important for church leaders to know about it? This session presents basic – but often overlooked – assumptions about how people, particularly Boomers and Builders do (or don’t) move from “outsiders” to “insiders” in a church and in a 50+ ministry.
Missions Ministry Opportunities – Breaking the Barriers
Examine seven myths that prevent people from serving in short term mission opportunities and learn how to overcome these myths. Gain a wealth of ideas and resources to share with your people and help them find meaningful service.
Catching the Age Wave of the 21st Century
Learn new vocabulary for a healthy Second Half Ministry. You must change the vocabulary to change the culture. We will look at ageism, stereotypes, myths and traps churches often fall into that leave the 50+ generation feeling unneeded and often unwanted. Participants see traits of growing Second Half Ministries and put together a plan for change.
Characteristics of an Assimilated Boomer or Builder
What is an ideal, “assimilated” member? What does he do? What does she say? How do they feel? Ten characteristics are suggested before participants connect the qualities they would like to see in their own membership.
Energizing the 50+ Crowd for Serving
The over 50 crowd is the fastest growing segment of any church or organization. Discover some simple, practical ways of energizing adults that will maximize your ministry. In this session you'll receive ten thought provoking questions that will give insight to help energize your seniors for serving. We'll examine how to promote serving as a "get to" not a "have to." Change comes as you respond to these questions and acknowledge your 50+ crowd are gifted and called by God to do the work of ministry both inside and outside the walls of the church.
Finding and Training Volunteers
Too many churches seem to grab someone in the hallway and push them into a class or group that needs help. Ministry should be a joyful act of service to God, but that approach steals the joy. Discover three key characteristics of exceptional congregations and organizations and five focus areas of healthy churches and organizations.
Grandparenting and Intergenerational Experiences
Respond to four questions that encourage passing on spiritual heritage to grandchildren and five suggestions for communicating to grandkids.
Help for Hurting Hearts
Examine the importance of attitude and staying focused on what is ultimately and eternally important – our relationship with God and our relationship with our family and friends.
Hot Topics in Second Half Ministry
Examine and discuss our rapidly changing society and its challenges, including elder abuse, end of life issues, death and dying, euthanasia, elder fraud, marriage, remarriage and ageism.
Involving the 50+ Generations in Ministry
It's a myth that older adults no longer want to contribute. It's equally untrue that they don't want to be actively involved. There are numerous creative ways to involve adults in the church. In this session participants will learn seven musts for involving adults. Additionally, 50 practical ways to involve the 50+ generations in ministry will be shared as well as some practical ways to deal with criticism when ministering with and to people over age 50.
Issues in Second Half Ministry
This session will consider the four key issues for a healthy local church adult ministry and present the top ten personal issues for older adults.
Leadership Principles for Second Half Ministry
Learn 30 leadership principles that will strengthen your leadership team.
Overcoming Criticism and Negativism
Experiencing criticism just seems to be a fact of life. Perhaps one of the reasons criticism and negativism are so prevalent today is that we live in a sort of “in your face” society. That seems especially true as we work with volunteers. Knowing how to respond to criticism and negativism is a powerful tool for effective ministry.
Prerequisites That Will Make or Break an Effective Adult Ministry
This session will present 12 prerequisites that will make or break an adults 55+ ministry. These steps will focus on challenges that leaders face including volunteerism, communication, conflicts, comparisons, setting limits, keeping perspective, and compassion fatigue.
Reaching the 50+ Generations – Outreach to Boomers and Builders
The age wave has come and the tsunami of 77 million people over age 50 has changed our society forever. In this session, you’ll discover strategic steps to develop or improve an outwardly focused second-half ministry.
Reaching the 50+ Generations
Explore trends for the 50+ group and help your leadership team understand these trends and respond to people in our fast-paced society. Participants see contrasts between the boomer and Builder generation.
Six Questions Newcomers ask During the First Year
Over 80% of those who drop out of church do so in the first year of their involvement. This session looks at six critical questions that newcomers are subconsciously asking about their new church . . . and how to help them answer those questions so that they stay.
Small Groups: A Key to Assimilation
Many of the strategies of assimilating newcomers are best implemented in a small group. But not all groups are the same, nor should they be. Participants look at the topic of small groups through the lenses of effective assimilation strategy. Many new insights will be discovered.
Steps to Effective Assimilation
This session presents practical “ratios” for effective assimilation, and specific, action steps to take home and implement.
Twelve Steps to Building a Second Half Ministry
Learn how to reach people over age 50 by using these 12 practical steps. Examine five strategies to strengthen an existing second half ministry.
Visitors: The Key to Growth
Why do some visitors come back, while others do not? What . . . how . . . when is that critical first impression made? In this session participants learn the six things visitors are looking for, and five guidelines for increasing visitor return rates.
Volunteerism – From Sitting to Serving
In this session participants learn how to create an Ephesians 4 Culture. They learn to view people as gifts from God and how to help people discover their passion, spiritual gifts and personal style. Simple clear steps are presented on how to find servant leaders and provide service through Ministry Teams.
Additional Topics in the "Help for Hurting Hearts" Series:
"Dealing with Depression"
"Rejoicing and Mourning"
"Sharing, the Art of Listening and Setting Boundaries"
"A Safe Place - Limits and Confidentiality"
"Servanthood Versus Servitude"
"Speaking the Truth in Love - Assertiveness"
"Telecare, SCYPE and WebEx and Technology"
"Helping Suicidal Persons Get the Help They Need"
"Ministry to the Dying and Their Family and Friends"
"Caring for the Hospitalized"
"Helping Aging People Experiencing Losses"
"Ministering to Those Needing Long-Term Care"
"Crises of Pregnancy"
"Ministering to Those Experiencing Divorce"